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Strengthening Families -
Developing Community - Enhancing Safety

In the heart of NW Aurora, our unwavering passion for youth violence prevention has driven us to create a powerful trifecta of programs. We believe that by investing in the future of our community, we can effectively prevent youth violence.


Next cohort starts soon

The Stengthening Families Program

An evidence-based parent, youth and family skills-building program from Iowa State University that...

  • Prevents Teen substance abuse and other behavioral problems

  • Strengthening parent/youth communication skills

  • Increases academic success in youth

  • prevents violence and aggressive behavior at home and at school


click here for more info or to see more dates.

Heart & Hands

The Aurora Safe Haven program organizes faith groups to serve the community, activates professional resources after violent events and trains groups in violence
prevention strategies.

Developing Community

Our Community Development program supports local leaders of community- based organizations through fiscal sponsorship, networking, mentorship,

strategic planning, and financial advising.


Our Empowering Fathers program provides young fathers navigation and case management, support groups, classes about fathering and family bonding

​​Call us:


​Find us: 

1445 Dayton St. Aurora, CO 80010

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